Sunday, 21 April 2013

35: Aide Memoire on the Dialogue held last Sat 20 Apr 13

About a 100 concerned residents of Thomson Garden Est attended the Dialogue with GrassRoots Adviser MP Mrs J Teo regarding the closure of the walkway from Jalan Isnin to Shunfu Rd. Mrs Teo chaired the meeting with Eugene Lee, the Chairman of the Thomson Gdn NC assisting.

As I recall, the residents made the following points: ( I cannot quote the exact words as I was told not to video the meeting. The video would have captured the exact words of everybody.)

1. The footpath of dirt and grass existed in the 1960s before Mr Leong Horn Kee, the then MP for Thomson, upgraded the footpath into a stone & mortar walkway in the 1980s. Thanks to Mr Leong, the residents have been using the walkway as it is a short cut for them to reach various points eg Shunfu Mart, PCF Kindergarten, bus stops, MRT, etc. They would like to continue using this walkway.

2. They put forward a suggestion for a land swap for this little strip which has been locked up since Wed 17 Apr 13. Responding, Mrs Teo quoted HDB as saying that there has never been such a procedure like/for this.

3. A legal search for the actual & historical ownership of this strip of land and easement rights attached to it. Mrs Teo said MP Hri Kumar, a legal officer, has said in his personal capacity that there is no easement rights to this strip of land.

4. That the authorities could consider acquiring this little strip pro bono publico. Although an elderly resident suggested this, it was not accorded due attention. Left unheeded, it was relegated as the meeting moved on.

Personally, I feel that the meeting was a waste of time as it achieved nothing that can be said to be positive enough to help Thomson Garden Est residents have continued use of the short cut.

As the attendees requested for minutes of the meeting to be recorded and circulated to them so that they can have an accurate record of the discussion, we are all waiting for it to be published.

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