Tuesday, 30 April 2013
Monday, 29 April 2013
40: An ST reader's comment dated 28 Apr 13
Monday, 22 April 2013
39: Another Resident wrote

You have a point, Wong: How can a footpath that we have been using since the 1960s be considered Shunfu Ville property. My guess is that somewhere along the way, someone must have blundered. So now, many years down the line, matters have come to a head, and the leaders don't know what to do. At the last Dialogue, I heard this refrain: What can I do? If our leaders are powerless at their level, maybe a higher office eg: PMO can lend support.
38: Another appeal that fell on deaf ears?
37: 48% of readers were disgusted!
In its website, AsiaOne ran a Mood meter to find out what the feelings are of the readers who read the report.
Here's the result:
Sunday, 21 April 2013
35: Aide Memoire on the Dialogue held last Sat 20 Apr 13
As I recall, the residents made the following points: ( I cannot quote the exact words as I was told not to video the meeting. The video would have captured the exact words of everybody.)
1. The footpath of dirt and grass existed in the 1960s before Mr Leong Horn Kee, the then MP for Thomson, upgraded the footpath into a stone & mortar walkway in the 1980s. Thanks to Mr Leong, the residents have been using the walkway as it is a short cut for them to reach various points eg Shunfu Mart, PCF Kindergarten, bus stops, MRT, etc. They would like to continue using this walkway.
2. They put forward a suggestion for a land swap for this little strip which has been locked up since Wed 17 Apr 13. Responding, Mrs Teo quoted HDB as saying that there has never been such a procedure like/for this.
3. A legal search for the actual & historical ownership of this strip of land and easement rights attached to it. Mrs Teo said MP Hri Kumar, a legal officer, has said in his personal capacity that there is no easement rights to this strip of land.
4. That the authorities could consider acquiring this little strip pro bono publico. Although an elderly resident suggested this, it was not accorded due attention. Left unheeded, it was relegated as the meeting moved on.
Personally, I feel that the meeting was a waste of time as it achieved nothing that can be said to be positive enough to help Thomson Garden Est residents have continued use of the short cut.
As the attendees requested for minutes of the meeting to be recorded and circulated to them so that they can have an accurate record of the discussion, we are all waiting for it to be published.
Saturday, 20 April 2013
34: No breakthrough
In the diagram above, Black=TGE residents
Friday, 19 April 2013
32: An excellent appeal to good sense
30: An unsigned document
Thursday, 18 April 2013
29: The Walkway is locked up!
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
28: Late nite discussion on the Walkway
Mr Tee gave me a sms hph connection to ST: 82823343, which he said, can highlight our concern about losing the short cut which has existed for decades. And so this morning, I sent an sms to it.
Will there be any outcome, I wonder.
27: Posting our cause on STOMP:
Monday, 15 April 2013
26: The NC does not understand the problem
What do they mean: no easement rights! We have been using the footpath when Shunfu Ville was not even an idea in anyone's mind, except a piece of dirt & grass!
Para 6 - the concluding para talks about children & seniors. Come on, NC, what about our working men & women. They are the task force of our economy, and they use the footpath to go to work. Don't our leaders & grassroot advisers know this? That's why they (SFV) gave the feeble excuse of "legal liability" in para 5 item 3/4, and posited a figment of their imagination: vandalism.
And so they cage themselves in and blame us for alleged vandalism?
Friday, 12 April 2013
24: The Footpath is Closed!
Looks like there is no graciousness when you want to be selfish. Now, what would that strip of land do after it's caged in?
Friday, 5 April 2013
23: What's happening @ Jalan Pintau Park?
Here's a video of the ugly mess that's cropping up on Jalan Pintau Park.